To a very special person

Dear Ching ,

First of all , I love you ! Sorry it took me sometime to get this up.
My movie maker skills a bit rusty already laaa.

Anyways , most of what I want to say is already in the video clip ,
but again I just want to say thank you for being a part of my life and
being there for me all these years. You've seen me at my best and at
my worst and yet you are still here. I am truly grateful and blessed not
only to have met you but to have gotten to know you so well ( for the most part )

No matter where you are in the world, you are always a part of my
life and big part of my heart.Thank you again for loving me as I am. Big HUGS !

Pandiiiiii, come back sooon !!!!

*Maaf aku menghantam idea kamu , tapi aku tak de duit nak call
untuk sembang sembang =(*

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