Tune in

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Today was an interesting day.
We went to watch Avatar.
All I have to say is : James Cameron DELIVERED !
But thats not the point of this post.
Its what happened on the way to the cinema that
was really interesting.
My car skidded.
It went off the road and then into the oncoming lane.
Lucky my dad is an experienced driver.
Lucky we were in Kulim.
Maybe it wasn't luck at all.
Wake up call ? Maybe
This is the second near accident I've had in the past month.
Paulo Coelho would probably say that the Universe is trying to tell
me something.
I should start listening.
But sometimes the white noise internally and externally drown out
the Universe.
Too much white noise.
Too much tying to tune out.Detachment.
Its time to tune in.

0 blah-blahs:

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